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Mutual Respect * Understanding * Connection



â–½ Do you sometimes feel like you and your wife / women really are from different planets? 


â–½ Are you tired of just trying to understand her, but getting accused of ‘not doing it right'?


â–½ Are you frustrated that your well-meaning advice doesn’t seem to be valued?


Imagine instead that communication flowed with ease between the two of you...​​​

Sunset Love


â–½ When you speak, she smiles and takes your hand.


â–½ You can bring up important stuff without fearing her reaction.


â–½ She adores and respects you because of how you handle communication.


â–½ You feel heard, understood, connected and desired.


Love Communication brings together my 10 years of studying and screwing up when it comes to communicating.


Hi I'm Dr. Jessica:


I'm an MIT-trained PhD scientist who spent 10 years studying 'relational intelligence'…because both my professional and personal relationships failed after years of believing the way to go was to defend, explain, and give advice.


Why work with me? I use my Bliss Science method to get you results - and your bottom line will thank you. After doing this work my clients tell me ‘it’s like night and day.’


I've been called 'fierce and fearless.' I use my skills as a both a PhD researcher and spiritual practitioner to bring incisive insight and a nonjudgmental presence to give you the freedom to speak your desires, recover from sexless marriage, understand women, and master the playbook on modern relating​.​

Dr. Jessica Gold PhD-level Intimacy Coaching for Men
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In 6, 1-hour sessions, I teach the Pillars of Bliss Science Communication:


â–½ Week 1: The Jedi Knight approach to communication

 Think: master your energy, context vs content, implicit systems


â–½ Week 2: The Ledge of Freedom 

How presence, emotional IQ, & boundaries set you free


â–½ Week 3: Stop Arguing about Facts - do this instead

Your communication toolkit - speak up for yourself with love


â–½ Week 4: Feel Heard and Understood

The spiritual practice of listening gets you reconnected


â–½ Week 5: The Fine Art of Repair

'Keeping her happy' dooms relationships; repair saves them


â–½ Week 6: Rock the Sex Boat

Speak your needs without being 'needy'


â–½ PLUS: Watch me and my partner demo communication practices:


Hear his male point of view after using these practices

for a decade.


You will also:

â–½ Antidote common communication fallacies, such as "responsbility = fault", "validation = agreement", "understanding = blame". 


â–½ Feel empowered to handle her intensity or her shut-down with love.

You will walk away knowing:​


â–½ The science behind why this works.


â–½ What to do when emotions are high and your urge to explain is SO strong.


â–½ What to do instead of giving advice, defending, or explaining. 


â–½ How to separate story from reality (and why that matters).


â–½ 3-level listening - what she really wants you to hear.


â–½ How to put this into practice (on live calls, you'll practice)


â–½ What to do when she doesn’t make any sense.


▽ What her responsibility in all this is.​



  • 6, 1-hour sessions where I teach you the Pillars of Bliss Science Communication




  • Online, on Zoom, in the comfort of your home. Watch at your leisure! You don't need to attend live.




  • Call times: Wednesdays from1-2pm** Pacific Time, Starts Aug 14th for 6 Weeks.


  • Don't hesitate to join even if you can't come live - the course is designed to watch at your leisure. You'll have the replays available.

Stop feeling at the mercy of the women in your life telling you how to speak and feel empowered and skilled at communication that connects.

Portrait of Smiling Man

I was always a ‘yes’ person, out of touch with my intuition. I didn’t realize I could have boundaries and standards. I was always in a ‘pleaser’ mode.


I believed I needed to ‘perform’ sexually, or I’d be an embarrassment and my relationship would be over. I avoided the discomfort of vulnerability or tough conversations.


This caused a lot of anxiety - in fact I had pretty generalized anxiety. It would make me end relationships pre-maturely.


Now, in general, I feel a lot more self-aware and balanced. I am in the position of qualifying other people who I want to interact with rather than compulsive ‘pleasing.’


I’m surprised at how much easier it is to be decisive - even for things outside of dating, for example - in choosing a new apartment. And how much less stressful dating is when I have standards in place.


And I’ve extended improving my relationships from the romantic domain to also include my friendships.


- Eddie, Atlanta 

Image by Francis Odeyemi

I was bad at setting boundaries and thus unreliable/temperamental. I had shut myself off from almost all romantic contact with women because I was in so much pain.


Jessica helped me recognize that, and gave me tools that I still use. I was carrying around a lot of pain and anger at women who had hurt me, and she helped me process this, have a different relation to the anger, and forgive them and myself.


I feel less afraid to take social risks now, because I have more confidence in my ability to assert my needs without getting in over my head and burning bridges.


My work and financial life have improved and stabilized substantially. I don't need to date at the moment, but I am no longer terrified. I feel confident that I will be able to assert my needs kindly and politely. I have been able to walk away from several (previously seductive) codependent relationship patterns when they presented themselves.”


I am also impressed at how deep you can take me - and how much you can help me feel - all the while bringing me back to a grounded place to end the session exactly on time. True mastery of your craft. There’s no one else I would trust to take me to that place. You’re one of a kind.


- Eric, Seattle


All of us know the feeling of being stuck at some unhappy stage of a relationship. Total darkness, the feeling there is no positive way out. Working with Jessica showed me how to get unstuck, from learning about frameworks unknown to me, as only a researcher could explain, to physically experiencing my own energies within, and how to release their power. You will end up realizing that there is so much still to learn, and so many doors waiting to be opened you just didn't know existed. A transformative experience, from an amazing human, highly recommended.”


- Anonymous, San Francisco

  • Do I have to attend all the calls live?
    While it is HIGHLY encouraged to attend them live, so you can ask questions and interact with the mastermind, we will be providing recordings as well for those who have to miss sessions here or there. Trust me, you won’t want to!
  • What happens on the calls?
    Some calls are live, hot-seat coaching where we address your real-life, in-the-moment challenges. Other calls are teaching calls, where I teach on a subject and we do an embodied practice.
  • How much time is required outside of the calls?
    No time is required, but it is helpful to engage with the community FB group and you may want to do short practices or reading to accelerate your transformation. Dr. Jessica will recommend points of focus for each man who is coached in a session.
  • When is the in-person daylong retreat? Is it required?
    The date is TBD, but should be in September, approximately. It’s not required, but participants love it!
  • Do you offer refunds?
    No refunds will be given.

These methods are used in successful businesses as well as in relationships. Feel at ease again together - like you're on the same team.

"Sex shame as a man is the worst, especially because people won’t talk about it. Or don’t know how to help change it - and I’ve been trying to heal mine for 20 years.


This is Jessica’s speciality and she’s good at it.


I’m finally beginning to experience myself more powerfully and as valuable in the world. My self-esteem is better. My self-pleasure practice is evolving, including from shame to acceptance.


After a 10 year sexual dry spell in my marriage, this work allowed me to finally reconnect intimately with my wife.


For the first time in my life, I’m able to notice what I want, instead of only engaging with intimacy as a chore to please my wife.


Jessica has a well rooted western logic/science way of teaching eastern tantra/chakra/energy stuff that helped my skeptical mind be at ease with these practices.


- James, Berkeley​

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