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Get my Free Dating Guide for Smart Men:

How to up-level your INNER GAME


10 Ways to Meet Women - OFFLINE​​


â–½ Stop unwittingly repelling the women you want to attract


â–½ Break free from repeating patterns in dating


â–½ Be a magnet for gorgeous, emotionally-mature women who you're actually attracted to

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Meet Dr Jessica

I'm an MIT-trained PhD scientist who left academia to study relational intelligence and sacred sexuality in spiritual communities. I spent 8 years in the trenches of dating myself, and I can tell you what smart women are looking for in men today.  â€‹


I've been called 'fierce and fearless.' I use my Bliss Science method to get you results - and your bottom line will thank you. My clients say ‘it’s like night and day.’


I'm a professionally-certified coach (PCC), passionate about helping science-minded men truly understand women and create their epic love story. 

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